TY - JOUR KW - Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis KW - herd level diagnosis KW - faecal culture KW - enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) KW - cut-off values KW - milk AU - H Köhler AU - M Ziller AU - F Gierke AU - K Donat AB - Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9–16.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0–37.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds ≤ 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":100036,"title":"Within-pool prevalence limits for the identification of paratuberculosis infected herds using antibody detection in pooled milk samples","topline":"","teaserText":"Grenzen der Intrapoolpr\u00e4valenz f\u00fcr die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden durch Antik\u00f6rpernachweis in gepoolten Milchproben","content":"

Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9\u201316.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0\u201337.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds \u2264 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification.<\/p>

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, herd level diagnosis, faecal culture, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), cut-off values, milk<\/p>

Die Identifizierung Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierter Herden stellt den ersten Schritt bei der Paratuberkulose-Sanierung dar. Tank- oder Poolmilchuntersuchungen wurden aufgrund unzureichender Daten \u00fcber die diagnostische Leistungsf\u00e4higkeit der Testsysteme f\u00fcr diesen Zweck bisher wenig eingesetzt, obwohl sie ein breit genutztes, kosteng\u00fcnstiges Verfahren f\u00fcr die \u00dcberwachung von Infektionskrankheiten bei Milchk\u00fchen darstellen. Mithilfe eines logistischen Regressionsmodells wurden die Schwellenwerte der scheinbaren Intrapoolpr\u00e4valenz (WPPapp) f\u00fcr die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden mittels des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises in Pools aus 50 individuellen Milchproben bestimmt. Insgesamt 73 Poolmilchproben wurden generiert, 50 aus Milchproben von zwei MAP-positiven und 23 aus Milchproben einer MAP-unverd\u00e4chtigen Herde. Vier verschiedene kommerzielle ELISAs kamen zum Einsatz. WPPapp wurden unabh\u00e4ngig voneinander auf der Basis positiver Antik\u00f6rpernachweise in individuellen Milch- und Serumproben und positiver Resultate der kulturellen Anz\u00fcchtung individueller Kotproben (FWPPapp) ermittelt. Die WPPapp-Werte auf Basis des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises untersch\u00e4tzten im Vergleich zur Kotkultur die wahre Pr\u00e4valenz im Pool. Um 99 % Spezifit\u00e4t und eine hohe Sensitivit\u00e4t zu gew\u00e4hrleisten, wurden die Cut-off-Werte der vier ELISAs f\u00fcr Poolmilch modifiziert. Eine 50%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit war bei 8,9\u201316,3 % MAP-Ausscheidern zu erwarten. F\u00fcr eine 95%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit lagen die Schwellenwerte an MAP-Ausscheidern mit 20,0\u201337,8 % deutlich h\u00f6her. Diese Daten unterstreichen, dass der Antik\u00f6rpernachweis in Pools aus 50 Einzelmilchproben oder in Tankmilchproben aus Best\u00e4nden mit \u2264 50 K\u00fchen nur f\u00fcr die Identifizierung von Herden mit einer hohen Pr\u00e4valenz an MAP-Ausscheidern geeignet ist. Dies kann in Sanierungsprogrammen der erste Schritt zur Auffindung der am st\u00e4rksten betroffenen Best\u00e4nde sein. Tank- oder Poolmilchtestung ist ungeeignet f\u00fcr Pr\u00e4valenzerhebungen, die \u00dcberwachung der Paratuberkulose und die Zertifizierung unverd\u00e4chtiger Herden.<\/p>

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Herdendiagnostik, Kotkultur, ELISA, Cut-off-Werte<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jan 14, 2017 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/within-pool-prevalence-limits-for-the-identification-of-paratuberculosis-infected-herds-using-antibody-detection-in-pooled-milk-samples\/150\/3130\/100036"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/within-pool-prevalence-limits-for-the-identification-of-paratuberculosis-infected-herds-using-antibody-detection-in-pooled-milk-samples\/150\/3130\/100036\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 1\/2 (2017), Seiten 34-41","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-16019","doiFirstPage":"34","doiLastPage":"41","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"K\u00f6hler H, Ziller M, Gierke F, Donat K","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_01_02_0034.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_01_02_0034.pdf","description":"Within-pool prevalence limits for the identification of paratuberculosis infected herds using antibody detection in pooled milk samples"},"authors":[{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"K\u00f6hler"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Ziller"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Gierke"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Donat"}],"contentOptimised":"

Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9\u201316.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0\u201337.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds \u2264 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification.<\/p>

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, herd level diagnosis, faecal culture, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), cut-off values, milk<\/p>

Die Identifizierung Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierter Herden stellt den ersten Schritt bei der Paratuberkulose-Sanierung dar. Tank- oder Poolmilchuntersuchungen wurden aufgrund unzureichender Daten \u00fcber die diagnostische Leistungsf\u00e4higkeit der Testsysteme f\u00fcr diesen Zweck bisher wenig eingesetzt, obwohl sie ein breit genutztes, kosteng\u00fcnstiges Verfahren f\u00fcr die \u00dcberwachung von Infektionskrankheiten bei Milchk\u00fchen darstellen. Mithilfe eines logistischen Regressionsmodells wurden die Schwellenwerte der scheinbaren Intrapoolpr\u00e4valenz (WPPapp) f\u00fcr die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden mittels des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises in Pools aus 50 individuellen Milchproben bestimmt. Insgesamt 73 Poolmilchproben wurden generiert, 50 aus Milchproben von zwei MAP-positiven und 23 aus Milchproben einer MAP-unverd\u00e4chtigen Herde. Vier verschiedene kommerzielle ELISAs kamen zum Einsatz. WPPapp wurden unabh\u00e4ngig voneinander auf der Basis positiver Antik\u00f6rpernachweise in individuellen Milch- und Serumproben und positiver Resultate der kulturellen Anz\u00fcchtung individueller Kotproben (FWPPapp) ermittelt. Die WPPapp-Werte auf Basis des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises untersch\u00e4tzten im Vergleich zur Kotkultur die wahre Pr\u00e4valenz im Pool. Um 99 % Spezifit\u00e4t und eine hohe Sensitivit\u00e4t zu gew\u00e4hrleisten, wurden die Cut-off-Werte der vier ELISAs f\u00fcr Poolmilch modifiziert. Eine 50%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit war bei 8,9\u201316,3 % MAP-Ausscheidern zu erwarten. F\u00fcr eine 95%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit lagen die Schwellenwerte an MAP-Ausscheidern mit 20,0\u201337,8 % deutlich h\u00f6her. Diese Daten unterstreichen, dass der Antik\u00f6rpernachweis in Pools aus 50 Einzelmilchproben oder in Tankmilchproben aus Best\u00e4nden mit \u2264 50 K\u00fchen nur f\u00fcr die Identifizierung von Herden mit einer hohen Pr\u00e4valenz an MAP-Ausscheidern geeignet ist. Dies kann in Sanierungsprogrammen der erste Schritt zur Auffindung der am st\u00e4rksten betroffenen Best\u00e4nde sein. Tank- oder Poolmilchtestung ist ungeeignet f\u00fcr Pr\u00e4valenzerhebungen, die \u00dcberwachung der Paratuberkulose und die Zertifizierung unverd\u00e4chtiger Herden.<\/p>

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Herdendiagnostik, Kotkultur, ELISA, Cut-off-Werte<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9\u201316.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0\u201337.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds \u2264 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification.<\/p>

","keywords":["Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis","herd level diagnosis","faecal culture","enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)","cut-off values","milk"],"zusammenfassung":"Die Identifizierung Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierter Herden stellt den ersten Schritt bei der Paratuberkulose-Sanierung dar. Tank- oder Poolmilchuntersuchungen wurden aufgrund unzureichender Daten \u00fcber die diagnostische Leistungsf\u00e4higkeit der Testsysteme f\u00fcr diesen Zweck bisher wenig eingesetzt, obwohl sie ein breit genutztes, kosteng\u00fcnstiges Verfahren f\u00fcr die \u00dcberwachung von Infektionskrankheiten bei Milchk\u00fchen darstellen. Mithilfe eines logistischen Regressionsmodells wurden die Schwellenwerte der scheinbaren Intrapoolpr\u00e4valenz (WPPapp) f\u00fcr die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden mittels des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises in Pools aus 50 individuellen Milchproben bestimmt. Insgesamt 73 Poolmilchproben wurden generiert, 50 aus Milchproben von zwei MAP-positiven und 23 aus Milchproben einer MAP-unverd\u00e4chtigen Herde. Vier verschiedene kommerzielle ELISAs kamen zum Einsatz. WPPapp wurden unabh\u00e4ngig voneinander auf der Basis positiver Antik\u00f6rpernachweise in individuellen Milch- und Serumproben und positiver Resultate der kulturellen Anz\u00fcchtung individueller Kotproben (FWPPapp) ermittelt. Die WPPapp-Werte auf Basis des Antik\u00f6rpernachweises untersch\u00e4tzten im Vergleich zur Kotkultur die wahre Pr\u00e4valenz im Pool. Um 99 % Spezifit\u00e4t und eine hohe Sensitivit\u00e4t zu gew\u00e4hrleisten, wurden die Cut-off-Werte der vier ELISAs f\u00fcr Poolmilch modifiziert. Eine 50%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit war bei 8,9\u201316,3 % MAP-Ausscheidern zu erwarten. F\u00fcr eine 95%ige Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit lagen die Schwellenwerte an MAP-Ausscheidern mit 20,0\u201337,8 % deutlich h\u00f6her. Diese Daten unterstreichen, dass der Antik\u00f6rpernachweis in Pools aus 50 Einzelmilchproben oder in Tankmilchproben aus Best\u00e4nden mit \u2264 50 K\u00fchen nur f\u00fcr die Identifizierung von Herden mit einer hohen Pr\u00e4valenz an MAP-Ausscheidern geeignet ist. Dies kann in Sanierungsprogrammen der erste Schritt zur Auffindung der am st\u00e4rksten betroffenen Best\u00e4nde sein. Tank- oder Poolmilchtestung ist ungeeignet f\u00fcr Pr\u00e4valenzerhebungen, die \u00dcberwachung der Paratuberkulose und die Zertifizierung unverd\u00e4chtiger Herden.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis","Herdendiagnostik","Kotkultur","ELISA","Cut-off-Werte"],"translatedTitle":"Grenzen der Intrapoolpr\u00e4valenz f\u00fcr die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden durch Antik\u00f6rpernachweis in gepoolten Milchproben","abstractE":"Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9\u201316.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0\u201337.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds \u2264 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification.","date":{"year":2017,"date":"01\/2017","accepted":"2017-01-14"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"34-41","redirects":["within-pool-prevalence-limits-for-the-identification-of-paratuberculosis-infected-herds-using-antibody-detection-in-pooled-milk-samples\/150\/3130\/100036"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 01/2017 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-16019 ET - 1/2 LA - English N2 - Identification of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected herds is the first step in paratuberculosis control. Bulk milk or pooled milk sampling is a widely used, cost-effective approach for the surveillance of infectious diseases in dairy cattle. Due to insufficient data about the diagnostic performance, it has rarely been exploited for paratuberculosis. Using a logistic regression model, threshold levels of the apparent within-pool prevalence (WPPapp) were determined for the identification of paratuberculosis positive herds by antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples, which is a usual pool size. A total of 73 milk pools were prepared, 50 from two MAP-positive and 23 from one MAP-non-suspect herds. Four different commercial ELISAs were used. WPPapp was estimated independently based on antibody positive individual milk or serum samples and on positive faecal culture. Antibody detection resulted in lower WPPapp estimates than faecal culture (FWPPapp) and tended to underestimate true prevalence. For pooled milk testing, cut-off values of the four ELISAs were revised to ensure 99% specificity and high sensitivity. For 50% probability of detection, FWPPapp thresholds of 8.9–16.3% were determined, increasing to 20.0–37.8% for 95% probability of detection. The results underline that antibody detection in pools of 50 individual milk samples or bulk tank milk from herds ≤ 50 cows allows only the identification of herds with a very high prevalence of MAP-shedders. In control programs this can be the first step to identify the most affected herds. However, it is ineffective for prevalence investigations, surveillance programs and certification. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2017 SP - 34 EP - 41 T1 - Within-pool prevalence limits for the identification of paratuberculosis infected herds using antibody detection in pooled milk samples T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Within-pool prevalence limits for the identification of paratuberculosis infected herds using antibody detection in pooled milk samples TT - Grenzen der Intrapoolprävalenz für die Identifizierung Paratuberkulose-positiver Herden durch Antikörpernachweis in gepoolten Milchproben VL - 130 SN - 0005-9366 ER -