TY - JOUR KW - Paratuberculosis KW - environmental samples KW - dust KW - cattle KW - Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis AU - R Wolf AU - K Donat AU - J Khol AU - H Barkema AU - J Kastelic AU - P Wagner AB - Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":100030,"title":"Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected cattle herds using environmental samples: a review","topline":"","teaserText":"Umweltproben zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden: eine \u00dcbersicht","content":"

Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds.<\/p>

Paratuberculosis, environmental samples, dust, cattle, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis<\/p>

Die Diagnostik von Paratuberkulose beim Rind gestaltet sich schwierig, da infizierte Rinder nicht st\u00e4ndig den Erreger ausscheiden und auch nicht st\u00e4ndig spezifische Antik\u00f6rper produzieren. Umweltproben k\u00f6nnten eine billige und leicht anzuwendende Methode zur Auffindung von Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierten Herden sein. Diese \u00dcbersichtsarbeit fasste Ergebnisse von 25 wissenschaftlichen Studien zusammen, die sich mit Probennahmemethoden, Laboranalyse und der Genauigkeit von Umweltproben zur Paratuberkuloseuntersuchung befassten. In den Studien wurden Umweltkotproben, Sockentupfer und Staubproben eingesetzt. Bei Umweltkotproben sollten Buchten und Treibwege beprobt, die von einer m\u00f6glichst gro\u00dfen Anzahl an Tieren benutzt werden, sowie Proben von G\u00fcllegruben gezogen werden. Sechs Umweltkotproben k\u00f6nnen 70 % der infizierten Betriebe detektieren. Sockentupfer sind eine schnelle und leicht anzuwendende Alternative zu Umweltkotproben. Obwohl MAP in betroffenen Betrieben auch aus Staub isoliert werden kann, werden Staubproben vorwiegend zur Untersuchung von MAP-\u00dcbertragungswegen und nicht zur MAP-Diagnostik eingesetzt. Umweltproben werden mit Kultur- oder PCR-Methoden analysiert. Obwohl sich die Protokolle in ihrer F\u00e4higkeit, infizierte Herden aufzufinden, unterscheiden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass falsch positive Resultate kaum vorkommen, da es sich um direkte Bakteriennachweismethoden handelt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auffindens einer MAP-infizierten Herde erh\u00f6ht sich mit steigender Probenzahl und steigender Anzahl an Beprobungen. Trotzdem m\u00fcssen ideale Beprobungsschemata erst entwickelt und evaluiert werden. Zusammengefasst wurde festgestellt, dass Umweltproben eine n\u00fctzliche Methode zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden sind.<\/p>

Paratuberkulose, Umweltproben, Umgebungskotproben, Staub, Rinder, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jan 14, 2017 11:00:00 PM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/detection-of-mycobacterium-avium-subspecies-paratuberculosis-infected-cattle-herds-using-environmental-samples-a-review\/150\/3130\/100030"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift ","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/detection-of-mycobacterium-avium-subspecies-paratuberculosis-infected-cattle-herds-using-environmental-samples-a-review\/150\/3130\/100030\/","doiSource":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift 130, Heft 1\/2 (2017), Seiten 4\u201312","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-16023","doiFirstPage":"4","doiLastPage":"12","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Wolf R, Donat K, Khol J, Wildrik Barkema H, Kastelic J, Wagner P","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMW_2017_01_02_0004.pdf","title":"BMW_2017_01_02_0004.pdf","description":"Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected cattle herds using environmental samples: a review "},"authors":[{"firstName":"R","middleName":"","lastName":"Wolf"},{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Donat"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Khol"},{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"Wildrik Barkema"},{"firstName":"J","middleName":"","lastName":"Kastelic"},{"firstName":"P","middleName":"","lastName":"Wagner"}],"contentOptimised":"

Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds.<\/p>

Paratuberculosis, environmental samples, dust, cattle, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis<\/p>

Die Diagnostik von Paratuberkulose beim Rind gestaltet sich schwierig, da infizierte Rinder nicht st\u00e4ndig den Erreger ausscheiden und auch nicht st\u00e4ndig spezifische Antik\u00f6rper produzieren. Umweltproben k\u00f6nnten eine billige und leicht anzuwendende Methode zur Auffindung von Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierten Herden sein. Diese \u00dcbersichtsarbeit fasste Ergebnisse von 25 wissenschaftlichen Studien zusammen, die sich mit Probennahmemethoden, Laboranalyse und der Genauigkeit von Umweltproben zur Paratuberkuloseuntersuchung befassten. In den Studien wurden Umweltkotproben, Sockentupfer und Staubproben eingesetzt. Bei Umweltkotproben sollten Buchten und Treibwege beprobt, die von einer m\u00f6glichst gro\u00dfen Anzahl an Tieren benutzt werden, sowie Proben von G\u00fcllegruben gezogen werden. Sechs Umweltkotproben k\u00f6nnen 70 % der infizierten Betriebe detektieren. Sockentupfer sind eine schnelle und leicht anzuwendende Alternative zu Umweltkotproben. Obwohl MAP in betroffenen Betrieben auch aus Staub isoliert werden kann, werden Staubproben vorwiegend zur Untersuchung von MAP-\u00dcbertragungswegen und nicht zur MAP-Diagnostik eingesetzt. Umweltproben werden mit Kultur- oder PCR-Methoden analysiert. Obwohl sich die Protokolle in ihrer F\u00e4higkeit, infizierte Herden aufzufinden, unterscheiden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass falsch positive Resultate kaum vorkommen, da es sich um direkte Bakteriennachweismethoden handelt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auffindens einer MAP-infizierten Herde erh\u00f6ht sich mit steigender Probenzahl und steigender Anzahl an Beprobungen. Trotzdem m\u00fcssen ideale Beprobungsschemata erst entwickelt und evaluiert werden. Zusammengefasst wurde festgestellt, dass Umweltproben eine n\u00fctzliche Methode zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden sind.<\/p>

Paratuberkulose, Umweltproben, Umgebungskotproben, Staub, Rinder, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds.<\/p>

","keywords":["Paratuberculosis","environmental samples","dust","cattle","Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis"],"zusammenfassung":"Die Diagnostik von Paratuberkulose beim Rind gestaltet sich schwierig, da infizierte Rinder nicht st\u00e4ndig den Erreger ausscheiden und auch nicht st\u00e4ndig spezifische Antik\u00f6rper produzieren. Umweltproben k\u00f6nnten eine billige und leicht anzuwendende Methode zur Auffindung von Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infizierten Herden sein. Diese \u00dcbersichtsarbeit fasste Ergebnisse von 25 wissenschaftlichen Studien zusammen, die sich mit Probennahmemethoden, Laboranalyse und der Genauigkeit von Umweltproben zur Paratuberkuloseuntersuchung befassten. In den Studien wurden Umweltkotproben, Sockentupfer und Staubproben eingesetzt. Bei Umweltkotproben sollten Buchten und Treibwege beprobt, die von einer m\u00f6glichst gro\u00dfen Anzahl an Tieren benutzt werden, sowie Proben von G\u00fcllegruben gezogen werden. Sechs Umweltkotproben k\u00f6nnen 70 % der infizierten Betriebe detektieren. Sockentupfer sind eine schnelle und leicht anzuwendende Alternative zu Umweltkotproben. Obwohl MAP in betroffenen Betrieben auch aus Staub isoliert werden kann, werden Staubproben vorwiegend zur Untersuchung von MAP-\u00dcbertragungswegen und nicht zur MAP-Diagnostik eingesetzt. Umweltproben werden mit Kultur- oder PCR-Methoden analysiert. Obwohl sich die Protokolle in ihrer F\u00e4higkeit, infizierte Herden aufzufinden, unterscheiden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass falsch positive Resultate kaum vorkommen, da es sich um direkte Bakteriennachweismethoden handelt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auffindens einer MAP-infizierten Herde erh\u00f6ht sich mit steigender Probenzahl und steigender Anzahl an Beprobungen. Trotzdem m\u00fcssen ideale Beprobungsschemata erst entwickelt und evaluiert werden. Zusammengefasst wurde festgestellt, dass Umweltproben eine n\u00fctzliche Methode zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden sind.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Paratuberkulose","Umweltproben","Umgebungskotproben","Staub","Rinder","Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis"],"translatedTitle":"Umweltproben zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden: eine \u00dcbersicht","abstractE":"Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds.","date":{"year":2017,"date":"01\/2017","accepted":"2017-01-14"},"volume":"130","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"4-12","redirects":["detection-of-mycobacterium-avium-subspecies-paratuberculosis-infected-cattle-herds-using-environmental-samples-a-review\/150\/3130\/100030"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 01/2017 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-16023 ET - 1/2 LA - English N2 - Detection of cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is challenging, because most infected cattle do not consistently shed MAP and do not consistently produce MAP specific antibodies. However, environmental samples (ES) might be an inexpensive and easy method to identify MAP-infected herds. This review summarized scientific evidence from 25 source publications on methods for ES collection and laboratory processing, as well as the capacity of MAP antigen detection assays used in ES to detect MAP-infected cattle herds. In source publications, environmental manure sampling, sampling socks and dust sampling were used as sampling methods. Authors concluded that for environmental manure samples, it was important to focus sample collection on high cow-traffic areas and liquid manure storage areas. Straw content should be low and sample consistency relatively liquid. A total of 6 manure samples detected ~70% of infected herds. In addition, sampling socks were an easy and quick alternative to environmental manure samples, which are also collected in high cow-traffic areas. Though dust can be used to isolate MAP, dust samples are currently mainly used to investigate MAP transmission through aerosols rather than for diagnostic purposes. The ES were analyzed using culture or PCR methods. Although false positive results were generally believed to occur rarely, detection limits differed among protocols. Furthermore, probability of detecting MAP-infected herds increased with increasing numbers of environmental samples collected on a farm and increasing numbers of herd visits. Regardless, design of sampling schemes for various sampling purposes needs to be determined in future studies. In conclusion, ES were a useful tool to detect MAP in cattle herds. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2017 SP - 4 EP - 12 T1 - Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected cattle herds using environmental samples: a review T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected cattle herds using environmental samples: a review TT - Umweltproben zur Paratuberkulosediagnostik in Rinderherden: eine Übersicht VL - 130 SN - 0005-9366 ER -