TY - JOUR KW - vertebrate retina KW - three Rs KW - animal welfare KW - stress model AU - K Januschowski AU - M Mariacher AU - M Vitkute AU - S Müller AU - P Szurman AU - S Mariacher AB - Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":108664,"title":"The isolated perfused bovine retina organ culture model as an ex-vivo approach for retinal toxicity testing, a potential replacement for animal experiments","topline":"","teaserText":"Tierersatzmodelle in der Augenheilkunde mit speziellem Augenmerk auf das isolierte perfundierte bovine retinale Organkulturmodell zur ex-vivo Testung retinaler Toxizit\u00e4t","content":"

Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data.<\/p>

vertebrate retina, three Rs, animal welfare, stress model<\/p>

Trotz bereits etablierter unterschiedlicher Bestrebungen die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren gibt es weitere M\u00f6glichkeiten im Rahmen des 3R Konzeptes die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren und das Wohl der Tiere zu verbessern. In der humanen Augenheilkunde existieren unterschiedliche Tierersatzmodelle, inklusive in-vitro und ex-vivo Ans\u00e4tze zur Etablierung weiterer Tierversuchsersatzmodelle. Dabei ist die perfundierte isolierte bovine Retina ein etabliertes Modell zur Testung retinaler Toxizit\u00e4t ex-vivo und hat somit gro\u00dfes Potential als Ersatz zum Tierversuch. Nach entsprechender Vorbereitung der Augen k\u00f6nnen dabei unterschiedliche Substanzen dabei in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen mit unterschiedlichen Wirkdauern getestet werden. Die entsprechenden Ergebnisse werden als Elektroretinogramm (ERG) im Sinne einer Reduktion der Amplitude der Ableitungen bei eingetretenem Stress abgelesen. Unterschiedliche toxische Effekte k\u00f6nnen dabei auf unterschiedliche retinale Zellverb\u00e4nde eingegrenzt werden und ebenfalls eine m\u00f6gliche Regeneration nach einer definierten Auswaschphase durch Perfusion des Organmodells mit reiner nutritiver L\u00f6sung im Anschluss an die Exposition mit der Testsubstanz untersucht werden. Gerade die komplex aufgebaute Retina ist ein Beispiel bei welchem enukleierte Rinderaugen ein hervorragendes Testmodell darstellen und verl\u00e4ssliche Ergebnisse ergeben. Durch neue unterschiedliche Testmodelle wie computerbasierte Testmodelle, in vitro und ex vitro Modelle k\u00f6nnen Tierversuche reduziert oder teils gar vermieden werden ohne dabei Einbu\u00dfen in der wissenschaftlichen Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse hinnehmen zu m\u00fcssen.<\/p>

Vertebraten Retina, drei Rs, Tierschutz, Stressmodell<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"Jul 6, 2018 9:22:04 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/the-isolated-perfused-bovine-retina-organ-culture-model-as-an-ex-vivo-approach-for-retinal-toxicity-testing-a-potential-replacement-for-animal-experiments\/150\/3130\/108664"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochensch","doiDocumentUri":"https:\/\/vetline.de\/files\/smfiledata\/7\/2\/5\/1\/0\/0\/BMTW_17097_AOP_Januschowski.pdf","doiSource":"Berl M\u00fcnch Tier\u00e4rztl Wochenschc","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-17097","doiFirstPage":".","doiLastPage":"..","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Januschowski K, Mariacher M, Vitkute M, M\u00fcller S, Szurman P, Mariacher S ","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/BMTW_17097_AOP_Januschowski.pdf","title":"BMTW_17097_AOP_Januschowski","description":"The isolated perfused bovine retina organ culture model as an ex-vivo approach for retinal toxicity testing, a potential replacement for animal experiments"},"authors":[{"firstName":"K","middleName":"","lastName":"Januschowski"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Mariacher"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"Vitkute"},{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"M\u00fcller"},{"firstName":"P","middleName":"","lastName":"Szurman"},{"firstName":"S","middleName":"","lastName":"Mariacher"}],"contentOptimised":"

Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data.<\/p>

vertebrate retina, three Rs, animal welfare, stress model<\/p>

Trotz bereits etablierter unterschiedlicher Bestrebungen die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren gibt es weitere M\u00f6glichkeiten im Rahmen des 3R Konzeptes die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren und das Wohl der Tiere zu verbessern. In der humanen Augenheilkunde existieren unterschiedliche Tierersatzmodelle, inklusive in-vitro und ex-vivo Ans\u00e4tze zur Etablierung weiterer Tierversuchsersatzmodelle. Dabei ist die perfundierte isolierte bovine Retina ein etabliertes Modell zur Testung retinaler Toxizit\u00e4t ex-vivo und hat somit gro\u00dfes Potential als Ersatz zum Tierversuch. Nach entsprechender Vorbereitung der Augen k\u00f6nnen dabei unterschiedliche Substanzen dabei in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen mit unterschiedlichen Wirkdauern getestet werden. Die entsprechenden Ergebnisse werden als Elektroretinogramm (ERG) im Sinne einer Reduktion der Amplitude der Ableitungen bei eingetretenem Stress abgelesen. Unterschiedliche toxische Effekte k\u00f6nnen dabei auf unterschiedliche retinale Zellverb\u00e4nde eingegrenzt werden und ebenfalls eine m\u00f6gliche Regeneration nach einer definierten Auswaschphase durch Perfusion des Organmodells mit reiner nutritiver L\u00f6sung im Anschluss an die Exposition mit der Testsubstanz untersucht werden. Gerade die komplex aufgebaute Retina ist ein Beispiel bei welchem enukleierte Rinderaugen ein hervorragendes Testmodell darstellen und verl\u00e4ssliche Ergebnisse ergeben. Durch neue unterschiedliche Testmodelle wie computerbasierte Testmodelle, in vitro und ex vitro Modelle k\u00f6nnen Tierversuche reduziert oder teils gar vermieden werden ohne dabei Einbu\u00dfen in der wissenschaftlichen Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse hinnehmen zu m\u00fcssen.<\/p>

Vertebraten Retina, drei Rs, Tierschutz, Stressmodell<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data.<\/p>

","keywords":["vertebrate retina","three Rs","animal welfare","stress model"],"zusammenfassung":"Trotz bereits etablierter unterschiedlicher Bestrebungen die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren gibt es weitere M\u00f6glichkeiten im Rahmen des 3R Konzeptes die Anzahl der Tierversuche zu reduzieren und das Wohl der Tiere zu verbessern. In der humanen Augenheilkunde existieren unterschiedliche Tierersatzmodelle, inklusive in-vitro und ex-vivo Ans\u00e4tze zur Etablierung weiterer Tierversuchsersatzmodelle. Dabei ist die perfundierte isolierte bovine Retina ein etabliertes Modell zur Testung retinaler Toxizit\u00e4t ex-vivo und hat somit gro\u00dfes Potential als Ersatz zum Tierversuch. Nach entsprechender Vorbereitung der Augen k\u00f6nnen dabei unterschiedliche Substanzen dabei in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen mit unterschiedlichen Wirkdauern getestet werden. Die entsprechenden Ergebnisse werden als Elektroretinogramm (ERG) im Sinne einer Reduktion der Amplitude der Ableitungen bei eingetretenem Stress abgelesen. Unterschiedliche toxische Effekte k\u00f6nnen dabei auf unterschiedliche retinale Zellverb\u00e4nde eingegrenzt werden und ebenfalls eine m\u00f6gliche Regeneration nach einer definierten Auswaschphase durch Perfusion des Organmodells mit reiner nutritiver L\u00f6sung im Anschluss an die Exposition mit der Testsubstanz untersucht werden. Gerade die komplex aufgebaute Retina ist ein Beispiel bei welchem enukleierte Rinderaugen ein hervorragendes Testmodell darstellen und verl\u00e4ssliche Ergebnisse ergeben. Durch neue unterschiedliche Testmodelle wie computerbasierte Testmodelle, in vitro und ex vitro Modelle k\u00f6nnen Tierversuche reduziert oder teils gar vermieden werden ohne dabei Einbu\u00dfen in der wissenschaftlichen Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse hinnehmen zu m\u00fcssen.<\/p>

","schluesselwoerter":["Vertebraten Retina","drei Rs","Tierschutz","Stressmodell"],"translatedTitle":"Tierersatzmodelle in der Augenheilkunde mit speziellem Augenmerk auf das isolierte perfundierte bovine retinale Organkulturmodell zur ex-vivo Testung retinaler Toxizit\u00e4t","abstractE":"Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data.","date":{"year":2018,"date":"07\/2018","accepted":"2018-07-06"},"volume":131,"openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"","redirects":["the-isolated-perfused-bovine-retina-organ-culture-model-as-an-ex-vivo-approach-for-retinal-toxicity-testing-a-potential-replacement-for-animal-experiments\/150\/3130\/108664"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 07/2018 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-17097 LA - English N2 - Despite different efforts to reduce the number of animals and improve animal welfare in experimental testing different approaches exist to further implement the three Rs concept. In human ophthalmology different animal replacement models exist using different approaches like in-vitro and ex-vivo testing. One of those well-established ex-vivo models is the isolated perfused bovine retinal organ culture model. This model is able to test substances for their retinal toxicity using enucleated bovine eyes post mortem. These eyes need special preparation and treatment before testing a substance in different concentrations and different perfusion durations. Results are obtained by analyzing the amplitudes of the electroretinogram (ERG) at baseline, during the application of the substance and after a washout phase. A-wave and b-wave analysis can identify retinal and higher order stress during application. The complex retinal structure is a perfect organ for ex-vivo testing and the isolated perfused retinal model a reliable model for toxicity testing of different potential toxic or even neuroprotective substances and therefore is a potential candidate to be used as an animal replacement. Different models are developed in the recent past and especially computer based models as well as in-vitro and ex-vivo testing are able to further reduce the number of animals in experimental testing in the future potentially even without reducing quality of scientific data. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2018 T1 - The isolated perfused bovine retina organ culture model as an ex-vivo approach for retinal toxicity testing, a potential replacement for animal experiments T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - The isolated perfused bovine retina organ culture model as an ex-vivo approach for retinal toxicity testing, a potential replacement for animal experiments TT - Tierersatzmodelle in der Augenheilkunde mit speziellem Augenmerk auf das isolierte perfundierte bovine retinale Organkulturmodell zur ex-vivo Testung retinaler Toxizität VL - 131 SN - 0005-9366 ER -