TY - JOUR AU - H Schwermer AU - F Brülisauer AU - A De Koeijer AU - D Heim AB - The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 °C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM. BT - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift C1 - {"oldId":70321,"title":"Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Switzerland by use of the basic reproduction ratio R0","teaserText":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-189","content":"

The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 \u00b0C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM.

In einem prozessorientiertem Modell wurden zwei Massnahmen zur Bek\u00e4mpfung der bovinen spongiformen Enzephalopathie (BSE) auf ihre Wirksamkeit untersucht. Die betrachteten Massnahmen waren die obligatorisch vorgeschriebene Sterilisation tierischer Abf\u00e4lle mit 133 \u00b0C unter 3 bar w\u00e4hrend 20 min vom Februar 1993 und der Ausschluss von Kadavern, Gehirn in der Gehirnschale, R\u00fcckenmark und Augen von adulten Rindern von derTiermehlherstellung vom April 1996. Das Model berechnet die \u00dcbertragungswahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr BSE mit der Basisreproduktionszahl RQ. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Hilfe eines Kohortenmodells, basierend auf den Daten des \u00dcberwachungsprogramms, verifiziert. Im Prozessmodell, war R0 vor 1990, vor dem Verbot derVerf\u00fctterung von Tiermehlen an Wiederk\u00e4uer, gr\u00f6sser als 1 und deutet auf eine langsame Ausbreitung von BSE in dieser Zeit hin. Nach 1991 sank R0 auf etwa 0.06 ab. F\u00fcr diesen Zeitraum war R0, berechnet mit dem Kohortenmodell, deutlich h\u00f6her. Der Minimalwert betrug 0.13 in 1996. Bei derart niedrigen Werten von R0 sollte die Epidemie rasch beendet sein. Zus\u00e4tzlich verhinderte das niedrige Niveau eine Bewertung der Wirksamkeit der beiden betrachteten Massnahmen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den Resultaten der beiden Modelle ist Hinweis auf eine Abh\u00e4ngigkeit der BSE-Epidemie von einer im Prozessmodel nicht ber\u00fccksichtigten Infektionsguelle. Bei dieser Infektionsquelle handelt es sich mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit um importierte Tiermehle oder andere Futtermittelkomponenten.<\/p>","categories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"],"fromDate":"May 1, 2007 12:00:00 AM","toDate":"Jan 1, 2030 12:00:00 AM","oldUrls":["http:\/\/vetline.de\/16229094\/150\/3130\/70321"],"doiLanguage":"englisch","doiProductFormat":"Online","doiPublisher":"Schl\u00fctersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG","doiSerialWorkTitle":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr.","doiDocumentUri":"http:\/\/www.vetline.de\/16229094\/150\/3130\/70321","doiSource":"Berl. M\u00fcnch. Tier\u00e4rztl. Wschr. 120: 5-6, 189-196 (2007)","doiissn":"0005-9366","doiNr":"10.2376\/0005-9366-120-189","doiFirstPage":"189","doiLastPage":"196","doiTransmitted":true,"doiAuthor":"Schweriner H, Br\u00fclisauer F, De Koeijer M, Heim D","pdf":{"path":"http:\/\/data\/bmtw_2007_05_0189.pdf","title":"bmtw_2007_05_0189.pdf","description":"Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Switzerland by use of the basic reproduction ratio R0

"},"authors":[{"firstName":"H","middleName":"","lastName":"Schweriner"},{"firstName":"F","middleName":"","lastName":"Br\u00fclisauer"},{"firstName":"M","middleName":"","lastName":"De Koeijer"},{"firstName":"D","middleName":"","lastName":"Heim"}],"contentOptimised":"

The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 \u00b0C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM.

In einem prozessorientiertem Modell wurden zwei Massnahmen zur Bek\u00e4mpfung der bovinen spongiformen Enzephalopathie (BSE) auf ihre Wirksamkeit untersucht. Die betrachteten Massnahmen waren die obligatorisch vorgeschriebene Sterilisation tierischer Abf\u00e4lle mit 133 \u00b0C unter 3 bar w\u00e4hrend 20 min vom Februar 1993 und der Ausschluss von Kadavern, Gehirn in der Gehirnschale, R\u00fcckenmark und Augen von adulten Rindern von derTiermehlherstellung vom April 1996. Das Model berechnet die \u00dcbertragungswahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr BSE mit der Basisreproduktionszahl RQ. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Hilfe eines Kohortenmodells, basierend auf den Daten des \u00dcberwachungsprogramms, verifiziert. Im Prozessmodell, war R0 vor 1990, vor dem Verbot derVerf\u00fctterung von Tiermehlen an Wiederk\u00e4uer, gr\u00f6sser als 1 und deutet auf eine langsame Ausbreitung von BSE in dieser Zeit hin. Nach 1991 sank R0 auf etwa 0.06 ab. F\u00fcr diesen Zeitraum war R0, berechnet mit dem Kohortenmodell, deutlich h\u00f6her. Der Minimalwert betrug 0.13 in 1996. Bei derart niedrigen Werten von R0 sollte die Epidemie rasch beendet sein. Zus\u00e4tzlich verhinderte das niedrige Niveau eine Bewertung der Wirksamkeit der beiden betrachteten Massnahmen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den Resultaten der beiden Modelle ist Hinweis auf eine Abh\u00e4ngigkeit der BSE-Epidemie von einer im Prozessmodel nicht ber\u00fccksichtigten Infektionsguelle. Bei dieser Infektionsquelle handelt es sich mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit um importierte Tiermehle oder andere Futtermittelkomponenten.<\/p>","primaryLanguage":"englisch","summary":"The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 \u00b0C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM.","zusammenfassung":"In einem prozessorientiertem Modell wurden zwei Massnahmen zur Bek\u00e4mpfung der bovinen spongiformen Enzephalopathie (BSE) auf ihre Wirksamkeit untersucht. Die betrachteten Massnahmen waren die obligatorisch vorgeschriebene Sterilisation tierischer Abf\u00e4lle mit 133 \u00b0C unter 3 bar w\u00e4hrend 20 min vom Februar 1993 und der Ausschluss von Kadavern, Gehirn in der Gehirnschale, R\u00fcckenmark und Augen von adulten Rindern von derTiermehlherstellung vom April 1996. Das Model berechnet die \u00dcbertragungswahrscheinlichkeit f\u00fcr BSE mit der Basisreproduktionszahl RQ. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Hilfe eines Kohortenmodells, basierend auf den Daten des \u00dcberwachungsprogramms, verifiziert. Im Prozessmodell, war R0 vor 1990, vor dem Verbot derVerf\u00fctterung von Tiermehlen an Wiederk\u00e4uer, gr\u00f6sser als 1 und deutet auf eine langsame Ausbreitung von BSE in dieser Zeit hin. Nach 1991 sank R0 auf etwa 0.06 ab. F\u00fcr diesen Zeitraum war R0, berechnet mit dem Kohortenmodell, deutlich h\u00f6her. Der Minimalwert betrug 0.13 in 1996. Bei derart niedrigen Werten von R0 sollte die Epidemie rasch beendet sein. Zus\u00e4tzlich verhinderte das niedrige Niveau eine Bewertung der Wirksamkeit der beiden betrachteten Massnahmen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den Resultaten der beiden Modelle ist Hinweis auf eine Abh\u00e4ngigkeit der BSE-Epidemie von einer im Prozessmodel nicht ber\u00fccksichtigten Infektionsguelle. Bei dieser Infektionsquelle handelt es sich mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit um importierte Tiermehle oder andere Futtermittelkomponenten.<\/p>","translatedTitle":"DOI 10.2376\/0005-9366-120-189","abstractE":"The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 \u00b0C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM.","date":{"year":2007,"date":"05\/2007","accepted":"2007-05-01"},"volume":"120","openAccess":false,"journal":"Berliner und M\u00fcnchener Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","titleImageId":944,"pages":"189-196","redirects":["16229094\/150\/3130\/70321"],"tierartCategories":[],"artikelartCategories":["Tier\u00e4rztliche Wochenschrift","Abostufe BMTW","Fachartikel"]} CY - Hannover DA - 05/2007 DO - 10.2376/0005-9366-120-189 LA - English N2 - The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone mea (MBM) at 133 °C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion offallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1,coherent with a slowly progres-sing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were lowat 0.06.The corresponding Rc values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Addi-tionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0.The discrepancy between the results of the two modeis is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model.This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingre-dientsandMBM. PB - Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PP - Hannover PY - 2007 SP - 189 EP - 196 T1 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Switzerland by use of the basic reproduction ratio R0 T2 - Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift TI - Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Switzerland by use of the basic reproduction ratio R0 TT - DOI 10.2376/0005-9366-120-189 VL - 120 SN - 0005-9366 ER -